Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ok Sports Fans!-Salary Cap in the MLB?

The Issue: Many think that Major League Baseball (MLB) should have a salary cap. 

The Argument: That because big market teams like Boston, the Yankees, and the Cubs have more money to spend on players they unfairly attract better plays and
thus have a better team.   

My Opinion: I am a supporter of not having a salary cap.

My Reasons: First, because larger market teams such as the Yankees simply have more fans and draw more revenue, therefore, can spend more money on players.  The ratio between the amount of Yankee fans and the amount of revenue they draw is probably about the same for let's say the Minnesota Twins.  Smaller market, smaller fan base, smaller revenue.  

Second, think of is like a business the better the business preforms the more it has to invest with the idea that it will have success, this of course is in a free market economy.  Yes, I know that I am injecting economics into baseball and the goals and situations are not completely the same but I think you get the idea.   

Third, as you can see the amount of money a team spends on players does not always translate into success.  See the below link that illustrates the relationship that MLB teams spent and where they rank in the league.   

Salary vs. Performance Chart: Courtesy of Ben Fry


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